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Time to get some SUN(flowers)

Sunflowers are here!

We are always a little sad when tulip and hyacinth season ends... Luckily with the end of spring bulbs comes SUNFLOWER season! The perfect casual summertime picnic flower. Whip out that checkered tablecloth, squeeze your lemons into lemonade and fill a vase with these perfectly happy blooms. Our local stems have arrived. We have an in store special running right now, one bunch for $12 or two for $20. Come and get it!

Some cool things to know about Sunflowers

-Sunflowers are heliotropic. That means they follow the sun. If you were to do a time lapse video of a sunflower field during the day you would see theirs heads follow the sun from east to west.

-Sunflower seeds are either black or striped. The black are used to make sunflower oil. The striped are the ones we snack on.

-The average height of a sunflower is 8-12 feet. The Guinness world record winner was 25.5 feet tall!

-The Latin name for sunflower is helianthus. This literally means Sun (helia) Flower (anthus).